Monthly Archives: July 2011

The Results Are In! Clutch #1

Well, I guess the lower incubation temperatures (around 88 degrees Fahrenheit) caused the babies to take their sweet time coming out of their eggs.  They are all out now though (day 62) and I put them in a bin to take their picture.  In the end there are:

1.0 Normal

2.2 Mojaves

0.1 BEL

Not too bad at all.

Clutch #2 is on it’s way – I cut the eggs to see what’s inside and unfortunately this Spider x Normal clutch has given me a lot of normals.  The weird thing is though, not all of them are normals but there aren’t any spiders as far as I can tell either.  I am anxiously waiting to see what’s up with this clutch.  They should be out any day now.  I will update as soon as I can.


Had to Peek

Day 51 of Clutch #1 – Had to peek!

I cut into my first clutch of eggs of the 2011 breeding season. It was day 51 of incubation and I just had to take a peek. I tried to explain a little bit of what I was doing while cutting the eggs.

So it looks like I have: 1 normal, 4 mojaves and 1 BEL. Not bad odds…I suppose they could have been better but I am not complaining. Now I have to wait until next week for clutch #2.
