About Me

Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, I am a husband to my high school sweetheart and father to two beautiful girls, my name is Brandon Rodgers and I am an addict.

Ever since I could read/look at pictures, I knew that there was nothing more interesting in the world than animals.  Thanks to people like Marty Stouffer and that old guy from Wild Kingdom I knew that I wanted to work with animals.

I obtained a Bachelor’s of Science in Zoology and a Master’s of Science in Biology from McGill (Thesis title: The effects of fish size and vegetation on the predation of mosquito larvae (Aedes aegypti) by the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).  You should read it, it’s fascinating.).  I then realised that there were not too many  animal related jobs around the Montreal core and so I took my talents to my local high school where I teach math and science.  I love my job but I need to get my animal fix at home.

I have kept reptiles for more than 10 years and have been breeding various  species for 5 years.  I only recently focused on my favorite of the bunch over the last 2 breeding seasons.  A Ball python (Python regius) was my first snake, as it was for many other hobbyists, and I really enjoy working with this species (despite some of their quirks) and seeing the wide array of colours and patterns that are being created every year.

I do not keep a large collection which allows me to monitor each individual.  I hope to produce high quality animals each season and strive to provide my clients with excellent pre- and post-transaction service.

I would love to talk snakes with any of you so send me an email if you have any questions.  I look forward to talking….

À noter

*Je suis bilingue et parle bien en français mais ma langue maternelle est l’anglais.  Pour mes amis du Québec n’hésiter pas à me contacter en utilisant votre langue de préférence.

  1. Class says hello, sir.

  2. Aussi à notait, plusieurs petites fautes d’orthographe au niveau de la qualité de langue.
    1) je parle bien LE français
    2) […] en français mais, ma langue maternelle est l’anglais (attention à la virgule située après mais)
    3) n’hésites pas (verbe hésiter employé à l’impératif, deuxièmes personnes du pluriel, contrairement à l’infinitif)

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