Monthly Archives: September 2011

Getting Ready to Be a Vendor!

Getting Ready!

I have been looking online for a while now for an acrylic display case to put on a table at the next Montreal Reptile Expo (October 23rd).  I have learned a few things while looking.

1.  They are quite expensive.

2.  There aren’t many/any producers in Canada (and the shipping on these things is also expensive).

3.  They are very nice once they are all set up.

I decided that I would try my hand at building one…and it turned out much nicer than I thought.  Thanks mostly to my friend Andrew who is apparently a very skilled acrylicer.

We found some scrap pieces of acrylic and started cutting the pieces and then glueing it all together.  Unfortunately I only have pics of the end product and not the process.  After how tricky it was to build I learned something else…why they are so expensive.  Luckily this only cost me about 40$.








And here is what it looks like with a few of the babies produced this year.









TOP (left to right): Pewter (produced by Simon Hamelin), Het Red Axanthic G-Stripe, Pastave, Pastel Het Red Axanthic (poss het g-stripe).

BOTTOM (left to right): Normal, Mojave, Het Red Axanthic, Pastel Lesser.


Andrea is helping to make the images required for a banner and some business cards.  Once I pick those up I will be ready to make my entrance as a vendor for the first time at the upcoming Montreal Reptile Expo at the Holiday Inn in Pointe-Claire on October 23rd, 2011.

Here are some closeups of the snakes while I had them out.


Het Red Axanthic G-Stripe
































Pastel Lesser











Pastel Het Red Axanthic (poss het g-stripe)










Let me know what you think!



Clutch #4 – Two Sires Makes it Confusing

My female pastel was bred to a mojave initially, then a het red axanthic het g-stripe male and then at the very end of the season I acquired a pastel lesser male that I put with her once (visible lock).  I was obviously keeping my fingers crossed for a pastel lesser sired clutch and I think I at least partially got my wish.

Here’s a group shot –








This is what I think it is…..but please correct me if I’m wrong.

Left and top = Super Pastel (maybe one of them is a pastel het red?)

Bottom = Pastel Lesser (maybe a super pastel lesser?  but I don’t think so)

Right = Het Red Axanthic 66% Het G-Stripe (I think I figured this one out 🙂 )

Here are some individual pictures to give a better idea.









































So what do you think?  Help…..

